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SIPIDI Saturday

Food & Recipes

Saturday, September 21, 2013

SIPIDI Saturday: Graduation Tassel DIY

Life always seems to full of random odds and ends that one never knows exactly what to do with. Graduation tassels are certainly one of those items. Though neat to have a souvenir from your high school or college graduation, what in the world do you do with it after the strains of Pomp and Circumstance have faded away? Luckily Pinterest had the answer! When I discovered this pin I knew I had to try it.

Glass or plastic ornament bulb

I originally thought that these ornament bulbs were only made out of glass. However, during my latest visit to Hobby Lobby I quickly discovered that they also come in plastic! This proved to perfect for this project, and it will prove much easier to store since it is not as fragile as glass. On a side note I also scored the ornament for $0.47, now if only the tassel had cost that much ;)

I thought it would be as simple as sliding the tassel through the opening of the ornament, however, my numbers proved too big for the opening. This required pliers to push the two numbers closer together and then refasten them to the tassel.

This worked out well, though it still required a bit of maneuvering through the opening of the ornament. Just another reason I was glad it was plastic, not glass!

Once inside the ornament, I kept the last part of the tassel outside and inserted the metal top hanger back into the ornament. The lid had cuts in the metal which allowed me to pull the tassel end up through the top and make an easy hanger.
A perfect little way to showcase your tassel!

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