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SIPIDI Saturday

Food & Recipes

Monday, September 29, 2014

Denim and Lace Refashion

Fall is officially here, but it didn't stop the weekend from bringing out absolutely gorgeous weather! Sunshine, warm breezes, and the perfect opportunity to wear shorts for the last time. I've had my eye on pairs of shorts edged with lace for awhile, but never found the right pair to purchase or make. After discovering a pair of jeans that needed refashioning I knew it was time. I'm absolutely in love with the result, of course making me wish I had done this back in May instead of September. Whoops! 


- Jeans or jean shorts
- Lace
- Sewing machine
- Scissors

I'm not sure about you, but I hate it when my favorite jeans wear out! They always seem to get holes in the places that are not fixable either. Luckily, they can usually be redeemed. So grab your pair and let's go!

Despite the front looking just fine, the side thigh was completely worn out. Making it awkward to wear and not terribly attractive. 
Starting at the rip I cut across both legs.
 After testing several types of edging and material I realized that I loved the look of this lace. 
I did not have enough lace to go around each leg so I decided to just sew it on the front. First though, I hemmed each leg to prevent fraying and to give the shorts an even edge.

Once the edges are hemmed I placed the lace over the top and sewed it into place. I also sewed both the top and bottom of the lace to ensure that it stayed on. With my leftover scraps I hand sewed them onto the back pockets for some extra embellishment. Now I can't wait to wear them!

So what do you think? Ready to make your own?!? 

Monday, September 22, 2014

Fall Changes

I'll be the first to admit that the start of fall is the last thing I look forward to. Summer has always been my favorite season, and seeing it come to a close this year was tough. A lot of change happened this past summer. New adventures and lots of excitement came our way, I can't wait to share more of that soon! However, though letting go of summer wasn't my favorite, fall always brings about the enjoyment of a consistent routine, new flavors, and a renewed sense of gratitude. Sometimes I tend to forget to appreciate the small (and big) things in my life. Fall always reminds me to take a step back and look at all the blessings that I have like...

...I can now use the boots I scored at a summer garage sale

...Ripe peaches from the market

...Hot tea in the morning

...Curling up on the couch with a warm blanket and a good book

...Baked oatmeal

...Listening to the crackle of a campfire

How about you? What do you appreciate in your life right now?

*Photos courtesy of Emily Grace Photography